Life Without Orange (Ingredients Links)

Always on the go, we need ingredient links quick and easy from our smart phones or iPads.  I was a non-smart phone girl until I had a child with an anaphylactic allergy!  Here are the one's that we've found most useful (and yes... I am that mom that occasionally goes through fast food drive-thru when trying to get to 3 different kids activities in 3 different areas of town - all starting at the same time!):

Please note, these links are purely for informational purposes, are not an endorsement of any establishment and should not, in any way, be considered current - they were current the day I posted the link.  Period.  This is meant to be a helpful guide - you still need to do your due diligence if you are a parent of a child with an anaphylactic allergy.  Rant over... read on!

And for those of you that are technology-challenged... when you have any of the webpages or pdf's on your screen - click CTRL+F to search for the word (allergen) that you are trying to avoid and then you will know which menu items to NOT eat!

First of all... I find that Coborns Delivers has a great website on grocery store foods as they have a wide selection and have ingredients for every item they carry (search for something then click on the ingredients tab of each result).  I love, love, LOVE this website:

Second of all... my right now, hands-down, favorite place to eat is Panera simply because they keep an ingredient book behind the counter and never mind letting me look in it.  Not sure if they have an easier way to get to it online, but I find their ingredients in the nutrition calculator  ( - add an item to the calculator and then click on ingredients.

Fast Foods:
Not easy to find ingredients online for chain restaurants, but most places are willing to share with you if you contact by e-mail or phone in advance.  On a busy night, servers can get frazzled.  We've found that local places are much more cooperative in checking with the kitchen than chains are - but have found chain's much easier to connect with in advance.  Makes no sense...

Blogs I've written that include that discuss restaurants that are friendly and helpful in sharing ingredient lists:

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