Sunday, August 25, 2013

Put Your Shirt ON

Why is it that guys would think we want to see them with their shirts off?  Unless you are totally buff, the only one who enjoys seeing you with your shirt off is your significant other.  And then, still, maybe not so much.  I'm just sayin'...

There is no end to the grossness that ensues when driving home on a sunny summer day to see yard after yard of icky, sweaty, shirtless, blubbery guys.  I'm not saying there is anything wrong with you or that you need to lose weight - as that isn't what I think... I think that God gave us each unique body shapes and we need to do right by them (exercise, portion control) but still enjoy life and be comfortable by what we are and not judge our bodies based on the anorexic, over-steroid-ed media touted version of perfection.  So, no... I'm not saying lose weight.  I am saying though - put your flippin' shirt on!  Why do you need to take it off?  Women aren't mowing the lawn with our shirts off - though I would love to not have hot, drippy, clinging clothes when mowing in the heat.  It would be waaaayyyy more comfortable.  But you will  not see an emergence of naked female mowing in my cul-de-sac.  Thankfully - as I'm an icky, sweaty, blubbery gal when mowing.  So keep your shirts on and stop making us have to watch!

1 comment:

  1. Growing up in south Florida, we had a neighbor that mowed barefoot while wearing a string bikini. She was two tacos and an enchilada shy of a combo plate.

    Even as a child I knew that wasn't smart mowing attire. I guess I should be grateful she kept her bikini top on.
