Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I think I'm going to vomit

Dear Movie Producers:

Stop pandering to kids as they can neither pay for their own tickets or go to the movies by themselves.  What you've added with the 3D element does not make the movie better.  A good storyline would though.  And for those of us that need to watch it in 2D... the blatant 3D elements - like a big huge nose coming toward the screen - don't impress either.  Seriously... I'm watching a movie in 2D and an animals big huge nose comes into a huge close-up across the screen.  Really?  That was necessary?  Not in 2D it isn't, but because you made this movie with 3D viewers only in mind - you've ruined it for those of us that aren't watching it in that venue.

The thing is... 3D makes me want to vomit. I've talked to a lot of other adults and it makes them nausea or have a headache too. It is, apparently, an actual medical issue called Cyber Sickness that is a form of, but in the reverse of, Motion Sickness.  Yikes... some other ailment to add to my list of freakishness!  Basically, what happens is that the image on the screen causes the eyes to send a signal to the brain that you are moving, but the fluid in your inner ear does not detect a change in the body's movement.  The signals from the eyes and the ears to the brain conflict causing nausea.

St. Peter's College in Jersey City, N.J. is actually studying Cyber Sickness and have a device called the Vominator.  Seriously... there is a study going on about the effects of 3D on people and they call a device used in studying it the Vominator.  That right there is reason to stop producing 3D movies.

Even Roger Ebert, an 'esteemed' movie critic hates 3D!

So please, go back to making movies for the people who are paying for them.  I don't need my kids whining to please, please, please to get to go to the more expensive, vomit-inducing 3D version of every film you produce!  Let's have some quality instead of cheap tricks!  And if you can't resist the urge to make it 3D, how about a revised 2D version that doesn't have all the gimmicky 3D in-your-face moments?

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