Wednesday, November 7, 2012

It is time to stop the drama!!!

Everyone needs to just stop now... I am all for expressing your excitement or disappointment over last night's results, but stop with the asinine statements attached... Our country is neither saved nor going to hell. It is seeing a man (just a man, not an angel or satan) in office for 4 years, or in the senate or house. There is a shift in political agenda every time we vote-we just see/feel it more when it is a presidential race. 4 years ago many of you posted similar comments. Just stop. Take a breath and come back to reality. This is the change and in 4 years our country will still be here. We are not done or undone by one man during one term and the shift back and forth that the senate and house undergoes happened before and will happen again. This continued drama on Facebook is ridiculous though and speaks higher to what will 'destroy' our country than one man or a group of politicians could ever do.  

As for what one could do vs. the other... every single time a President is elected, he is full of what he is going to do then gets in the White House and finds out the difference between what he wants and what he is actually capable of doing and has to pick his battle.  This dynamic is not going to change so grow a flippin' brain America and stop believing the hopeful statements and start looking at what is actually feasible and realistic.

Anyways, back on task... hoping that all take a step back and stop the madness.  

As for me, I'm disappointed that Gary Johnson (or Jill Stein or any other 3rd party candidate) did not achieve the 5% as that would have been a step toward change.  Unfortunately, even people that I thought would be the change they say they wanted to see, ended up voting for one of the two major parties instead.  Honestly, this disheartens me and I am finally feeling defeated in believing that change will ever happen.  When I was in elementary school (5th grade if I'm remembering right) we had mock elections and I ran the campaign for the Independent.  That's the foundation I started with and duration in which I've believed in someday seeing change.  I no longer see it.  Mr. Grumble (my dad - welcome to your life in blogs *grin*) recently stated to me 'unfortunately a vote outside of the two established parties is a waste. I have watched surges from libertarians, greens, Naders, etc since the early 60s and none of them can mount a legitimate effort, they just become spoilers.'  When he said it, I still believed. Unfortunately today's result have made me realize that it really might be impossible.  I am disappointed, disheartened, feeling a little crushed, not greatly full of hope any longer and have a slight tinge of despair.  That's all about me personally and what I wish I'd seen happen - it does not however reflect on President Obama or Governor Romney though.  It doesn't mean our country is going to hell... it means that I've finally realized that the dynamic of our country staying in a two-party system most likely will not change in my lifetime and probably not in my children's either.

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