Monday, November 5, 2012

You are joking, right?

I'm not quite sure where to even start with this one... Chicago schools are going to give parents $25 Walgreen's gift card for attending parent-teacher conferences.  Do I see the innovation in trying to increase parental involvement... yes.  I see it.  But... seriously?  We are bribing parents to show up and talk about their child's schooling?  Do we really think that bribing them is in any way going to make them more engaged in their child's life?  No... they are just there to get the free gift card. If they weren't coming because of the desire to be involved, to know what's going on and be responsible for raising empowered children that can excel in life... why would a gift card change that?  It won't.  It may up attendance at parent-teacher conferences which will look good on a chart or graph, but showing up isn't the same as actually being there.  I do agree that we need parental involvement to help children succeed.  It's essential.  But showing up to pick up a gift card is not the same as showing up to be involved.   This just seems so incredibly short-sighted.  If bribing is the only way to go (and it's not like I have any brilliant ideas myself...) Wouldn't a better method be to provide the incentive of a free gift card if they come, and stay, for a parenting seminar?  I don't know -but this is definitely one news story I will be watching to see how it pans out.

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