Thursday, November 1, 2012

Learn the Zipper Merge

Learn the Zipper Merge.  It is not rocket science.  Mr. Happy and I have been taking dance lessons for over a year now and I guarantee you that the Rumba, Foxtrot and Hustle are much, much harder.  Seriously...  It's really quite simple... both lanes of traffic go up to the merge point and then alternate lanes to become one.  Like a... wait for it... like a... LIKE A ZIPPER.  (yes, I DO know that ALLCAPS means I'm yelling)

Does it mean as soon as you see the sign slow down and get over into the next lane right then?  NO.

Does it mean go around people on the berm? NO.

Does it mean slam on your brakes? NO

Does it justify road rage for the idiots around you who apparently don't know the zipper merge? YES.  Whoops... I mean NO.

Don't believe me?  Check it out here...

But whether you believe me or not, whether you check it out or not... please, oh dear lord please, start doing the zipper merge and stop pissing off all the other drivers that do know how to merge!!!

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