Monday, November 19, 2012


I was so busted tonight...

So... I have this amazing new (used) car.  We call it The Dolphin, because it's color is Dolphin Grey.  It seemed more fitting than Flipper, so just go with it!  It's got this AMAZING sound system.  After years and years of the old crickety (but I still love you and miss you ol' buddy, ol' pal) Saab that didn't get overly loud and seemed to only emanate sound from the dashboard (even though there were speakers all around...) - the volume of the Dolphin's sound and how the surround totally envelopes me in noise from every angle is just so wickedly cool.  I, admittedly, crank that baby up when I'm driving alone with the top down going (limiting myself to -- that is a whole different blog about how much power this car has and the overwhelming urge daily to just let it go to its full potential but because of my stupid black and white, rule obeying mentality can't...) 70 on the freeway.  Tonight, however, I'm driving into the garage and my (right-now) favorite song Madness by Muse comes on.  Seriously?  How could I NOT crank that up to see how amazing IT would sound in my new (used) car!?!  So... I did.  

So here is your mental picture, 42 year old MOM of 2-4 kids (2 affected my body, all 4 affect my heart) with the tunes blaring, eyes closed, dancing my heart out (while still strapped in the seatbelt - I mean, REALLY, you would think that I could have at least unbuckled!) and 'singing' (we will call it that anyways...) at the top of my lungs.  

And then I opened my eyes.  And there he was.  Mr. Cheerful.  Standing in the open doorway between the house and the garage staring at me.  My eyes met his eyes... his eyes met my eyes.. and I'm not sure which one of us was more embarrassed.  He, with flippin' amazing speed that I never see when there is a chore to be done, did an about-face and hauled arse back into the house.  I, promptly, turned off my car and slowly came inside to witness him giving a pretty accurate, but horrifying to realize he'd seen me jamming in my driver's seat for that long, demo to Mr. Happy of my car dancing.


Monday, November 12, 2012

Buy Local, Buy Artisan, Buy Small, Buy Independent

There is a lot of 'buy' this way phrases being thrown around as the holiday season starts (which seriously?  lights already?  We haven't even had Thanksgiving!  Just stop it already and wait until Black Friday to put up your flippin' lights!!!) which puts me into one of my regular rants.  I'm with buy local as it helps the financial status of your local community.  I'm with buy artisan as I would far rather have a product produced by an individual than mass manufactured in China.  When feasible, I'm with buy small and buy independent   But here's the deal... the moment you couple that with not the big box stores or chains you've lost me.  The reason being... the majority of those big box stores and chains started as the little guy.  They started small.  If you personally have a ban on all things imported and are only buying American - then I'm right back with you.  But if you are just against the guy that marketed his idea and grew, then you are forgetting that it started with one guy with a great idea.  Add to that that he wouldn't have made it big if we, as consumers, hadn't supported the idea and helped it come to fruition.  The dilemma also comes from a 'buy now' mentality.  I admit... I tend to be guilty of this one.  I go to my local, independent bookseller to pick up a book that my kids needs for extra credit at school and they don't have it.  They could order it for me but it will be a week before it gets in.  I go to Barnes and Noble and they not only have it, but I had the option of reserving it online first so noone else got to it before me.  Add to that a nice Starbuck's drink and I'm kinda in heaven.  I have no doubt that  the vein at Mr. Grumble's temple just started to throb.  He loves the independent bookseller.  Here's my thing though... Barnes and Noble started as one guy who thought he could do it better:

"Leonard Riggio, the company's chairman, began his bookselling career while attending New York University in the early 1960s.  Working as a clerk in the university bookstore, he became convinced that he could do a better job serving students, and he opened a competing store of his own.  With a small investment, Mr. Riggio established the Student Book Exchange (SBX) in Manhattan's Greenwich Village in 1965.  The store quickly became one of New York’s finest bookstores, known for its knowledgeable staff, wide selection and great service.
By the 1970s, Mr. Riggio’s thriving business, which included six other college bookstores, acquired the flagship Barnes & Noble trade name and flagship bookstore in Manhattan, which had fallen into decline. Within a few years, Mr. Riggio transformed the Fifth Avenue store into "The World’s Largest Bookstore," with 150,000 textbook and trade titles." (  

This creates the dilemma... am I not allowed to buy from Barnes and Noble because Riggio did a better job, such a better job that Barnes and Noble is now the largest bookseller?  Or is it okay because at one point he was the independent guy with a stellar customer service credo and by having an entrepreneurial spirit he now employs ALOT of people thereby doing good for the local community through gainful employment and its benefits.  You don't even want to start me on the community service projects and donations this company does.  It is one of many big box or chain retailers that started as one guy.  McDonalds and Walmart are a couple more examples of US Companies that hire thousands of workers.  Often times having a much better, longer term career than they would have had elsewise.

Walmart, as one example, is an American company, hiring American, usually local, employees, is on the NY Stock Exchange that allows American individuals to own and profit from it's success.  And again... another story of a local guy, Sam Walton, who thought he could do better.  Chains like McDonalds, Wendy's, Dairy Queen, Chipotle and Subway allows the local guy franchisee ability of a company with a formula that's already a proven success and brand name recognition.

That said, yes... Walmart imports and sells a whole of of cheap 'Made in NOT America'... crap.  So... if you have the principles of only buying American (or are anti-import, anti-China, anti-Child Labor, etc.) - then don't shop there.  My only caveat to that is to ask... does that local merchant you are buying from based on your anti-import stance stand on the same principles.  While you are feeling good about yourself for buying American, or buying local, or buying independent - if you went into that merchants backroom or home will you find nothing but local, independent and America? And, if you are championing the local merchant loudly - then don't show up at IKEA and then attempt to defend or justify it somehow.

Plus, another reality is that alot of people can't afford to buy elsewhere, so as well as providing stable employment, they provide a price range that allows lower economic brackets to survive.  Would far rather that they thrive, but that's a different rant...

And yes, because we can get it cheaper and faster than the same product that the local, independent guy is making, it does hurt the local guy.  I recognize that.  That's why I said 'when feasible' I do try to buy from the local guy.  It isn't always feasible and it doesn't make me unAmerican or maliciously against the local guy.  It also, by default, shows that I'm not in the lower economic bracket because when feasible I do.

Principles are great, just remember there is more to the picture than just buy local, buy artisan, buy small, buy independent.  So, please, have your principles, attempt to help the little guy thrive but don't make the person standing next to you feel bad for where they choose to shop.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Whether you blame them or thank them... the plankton are responsible!
A friend posted a post-election link on Facebook that caught my eye... the gist of it is  that you can either thank the plankton for Obama's re-election or blame them for Romney not winning.  It's actually doing a comparison of the past two elections, so McCain can be thrown in the pot too.  It's an interesting concept (follow along with me in If You Give A Mouse A Cookie style):

  • If you had a plankton bed that follows a line through the deep South (which we do), it would result in richer soil;
  • If the soil was richer soil along this line, it would make for better cotton growing; 
  • If the cotton grew better along this line, there would have been more slaves; 
  • If there are more slaves, it would result in a predominately black population running across that line still today, 
  • If there is a predominantly black population running across the 'plankton' line, it would put the vote to President Obama.
  • If it put the vote to President Obama, then you should be thanking or blaming the Plankton for the past two election results. 
It's an interesting concept that I'm sure SpongeBob Square Pants villian Sheldon J. Plankton revels in!

Another recent Facebook link was one tying free states and slavery states during the Civil War to the election results (picture to the right, credit goes to Michelle Lawrence on Facebook whom I do not know but was re-posted by a friend with Lawrence giving credit for the second picture to an online reference).

This all makes me sad to think that the division between races is still such a predominant issue.  Both articles lean toward a mentality that we, as a Nation, have not made much progress forward since the Civil War or Civil Rights movements - which I do not think is true.  Unfortunately though, it frankly makes me wonder if underneath some of my Republican friends might also unknowingly still be racist and if some of my black friends only voted for Obama because he is black.  Broad generalizations based on who won/lost the election and the correlation these two posts evoked, so don't get your panties in bunch - I'm just sharing what they caused me to think.

That line of thought though, of course, then led me to the current discrimination that is prevailing against the gay community.  Is doesn't seem all that different to me.  It is discrimination toward a select group of people because they are different (first by race, now by sexual orientation).  It seems to me that the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment should protect us from this but realize that actually there has been a great history of different interpretations of it's intent.  Although this last election with the same-sex marriage victories in Maine and Maryland, the state of Minnesota not enacting legislation that would define marriage as one man and one woman, and the election of an openly gay Senator do speak to the growth of our country and provide hope for a less judgmental and condemning populous.  I find it interesting that the Republican party, who is very much so about not wanting government involvement are also the faction that is predominantly bringing forth legislation to discrimination against the gay community.  Here of late there has been a huge push by the Republican party to 'educate' the public that they were on the right side of the Civil Rights Movement while the Democrats were on the discriminating side - yet at the same time as yelling out how pro-Black they are, they are anti-Gay.  Seems a tad bit hypocritical.  While I don't agree with them, my friends who are against Gay Marriage do so because of their religious organization's interpretation of the bible and are, and should, be allow to have their opinions.  My issue is when that religious opinion is used to enact laws that are a civil discrimination - as the good majority of these religious factions are in alignment with the Republican party that has put forth the anti-Gay actions.  Please note: I purposely say 'their religious organization because not ALL Christians interpret God's Will as anti-Gay, I also generalize in regards to the Republican party based on the majority as they also are not ALL anti-Gay either.  Bottom line is that while I respect your different of opinion and right to voice it or vote based on it, I have a fundamental issue with a civil discrimination being on a ballot.  The law, in my mind, should encompass all regardless of race, religion or sexual orientation. The flip side of that though is that while, in my opinion the law should stay out of if, the religion institutions should also then have the right, without penalty, to make their decisions regarding what they will or will not allow.  Meaning, the law should not define or limit 2 parties, regardless of gender, to engage in a civil union that allows them the financial and societal benefits it brings but religious entities should have the right to not perform the marriage, or recognize the marriage, if it goes against their doctrine.  Some religions wouldn't, some would.  Either way, it would be a foundation on their beliefs and separate from the government rights.  Two things that I see as very different.

Just food for thought this morning...

And for the record... I'm neither Republican or Democrat so don't try to dispel what I think as being with the 'other' party.  I vote based on the individual and the issue and will never be a party-liner.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

It is time to stop the drama!!!

Everyone needs to just stop now... I am all for expressing your excitement or disappointment over last night's results, but stop with the asinine statements attached... Our country is neither saved nor going to hell. It is seeing a man (just a man, not an angel or satan) in office for 4 years, or in the senate or house. There is a shift in political agenda every time we vote-we just see/feel it more when it is a presidential race. 4 years ago many of you posted similar comments. Just stop. Take a breath and come back to reality. This is the change and in 4 years our country will still be here. We are not done or undone by one man during one term and the shift back and forth that the senate and house undergoes happened before and will happen again. This continued drama on Facebook is ridiculous though and speaks higher to what will 'destroy' our country than one man or a group of politicians could ever do.  

As for what one could do vs. the other... every single time a President is elected, he is full of what he is going to do then gets in the White House and finds out the difference between what he wants and what he is actually capable of doing and has to pick his battle.  This dynamic is not going to change so grow a flippin' brain America and stop believing the hopeful statements and start looking at what is actually feasible and realistic.

Anyways, back on task... hoping that all take a step back and stop the madness.  

As for me, I'm disappointed that Gary Johnson (or Jill Stein or any other 3rd party candidate) did not achieve the 5% as that would have been a step toward change.  Unfortunately, even people that I thought would be the change they say they wanted to see, ended up voting for one of the two major parties instead.  Honestly, this disheartens me and I am finally feeling defeated in believing that change will ever happen.  When I was in elementary school (5th grade if I'm remembering right) we had mock elections and I ran the campaign for the Independent.  That's the foundation I started with and duration in which I've believed in someday seeing change.  I no longer see it.  Mr. Grumble (my dad - welcome to your life in blogs *grin*) recently stated to me 'unfortunately a vote outside of the two established parties is a waste. I have watched surges from libertarians, greens, Naders, etc since the early 60s and none of them can mount a legitimate effort, they just become spoilers.'  When he said it, I still believed. Unfortunately today's result have made me realize that it really might be impossible.  I am disappointed, disheartened, feeling a little crushed, not greatly full of hope any longer and have a slight tinge of despair.  That's all about me personally and what I wish I'd seen happen - it does not however reflect on President Obama or Governor Romney though.  It doesn't mean our country is going to hell... it means that I've finally realized that the dynamic of our country staying in a two-party system most likely will not change in my lifetime and probably not in my children's either.

Monday, November 5, 2012

You are joking, right?

I'm not quite sure where to even start with this one... Chicago schools are going to give parents $25 Walgreen's gift card for attending parent-teacher conferences.  Do I see the innovation in trying to increase parental involvement... yes.  I see it.  But... seriously?  We are bribing parents to show up and talk about their child's schooling?  Do we really think that bribing them is in any way going to make them more engaged in their child's life?  No... they are just there to get the free gift card. If they weren't coming because of the desire to be involved, to know what's going on and be responsible for raising empowered children that can excel in life... why would a gift card change that?  It won't.  It may up attendance at parent-teacher conferences which will look good on a chart or graph, but showing up isn't the same as actually being there.  I do agree that we need parental involvement to help children succeed.  It's essential.  But showing up to pick up a gift card is not the same as showing up to be involved.   This just seems so incredibly short-sighted.  If bribing is the only way to go (and it's not like I have any brilliant ideas myself...) Wouldn't a better method be to provide the incentive of a free gift card if they come, and stay, for a parenting seminar?  I don't know -but this is definitely one news story I will be watching to see how it pans out.

Local Spots are Gluten Free and Ingredient Ready

With our life now drastically changed thanks to the gluten free modification to Mr. Cheerful's diet, we have mostly been eating at home which tends to be a much easier environment to control.  That said...  it is also fun to go out sometimes.  We'd heard that Pizza Luce had a vast selection of gluten free options.  Since Pizza Luce is a must when traveling to Duluth, we decided to check it out locally in St. Paul to see how they did.  All I can say is WOW!  They are now one of my favorites as an ingredient friendly place to eat as well! They have gluten free options in both the pasta and the pizza and when I needed to check on Annatto - they had a 3 ring binder with ingredients for all the components in the meal selection printed up.  It was fabulous!  Mr. Cheerful got a gluten-free pasta dish with an annatto-free roll that he absolutely loved.  

Another favorite, and since we were in the neighborhood (sort of - 10-15 minutes away is still the same neighborhood, right?), we had to stop at our favorite local ice cream place.  From the beginning of finding out about the annatto allergy, Izzy's has been incredibly helpful with ingredients - including a call from the owner to talk through with me what he would or wouldn't do (they do some ice creams with other local products incorporated in - and that was his don't... as he can't guarantee me their ingredients).  To our excitement, Mr. Cheerful did not have to get his ice cream in a cup, as I'd pre-warned him was going to have to happen because... as well as being incredibly helpful regarding ingredients - they have gluten free cones!  Woot Woot!  Gotta love my Izzy's!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Learn the Zipper Merge

Learn the Zipper Merge.  It is not rocket science.  Mr. Happy and I have been taking dance lessons for over a year now and I guarantee you that the Rumba, Foxtrot and Hustle are much, much harder.  Seriously...  It's really quite simple... both lanes of traffic go up to the merge point and then alternate lanes to become one.  Like a... wait for it... like a... LIKE A ZIPPER.  (yes, I DO know that ALLCAPS means I'm yelling)

Does it mean as soon as you see the sign slow down and get over into the next lane right then?  NO.

Does it mean go around people on the berm? NO.

Does it mean slam on your brakes? NO

Does it justify road rage for the idiots around you who apparently don't know the zipper merge? YES.  Whoops... I mean NO.

Don't believe me?  Check it out here...

But whether you believe me or not, whether you check it out or not... please, oh dear lord please, start doing the zipper merge and stop pissing off all the other drivers that do know how to merge!!!